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Ability to use initiative with little supervision.
The company is Limited to small size.
★★★★★On February 1, 2018 by Current employee
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Agro wealth minder is basically a formed group by the Governor of Ogun state in partner with the former Commissioner of Finance Hon. Kehinde Shogunle. They created this group in order to bolster the ideas of young youths and also to stretch their boundaries in making sure that there is an apparent shift from white collar jobs to Agriculture, Agribusiness and Farming in general. Working as a supervisor in Agropark ijale is quite a wonderful experience and it has actually increased my capacity I terms of managing people, materials and so many other resources placed in my care. I am also able to maximize my potentials and creativity in this organization.
The only issues I have is the fact that incentives and bonuses that are meant to get to subordinate are been shared among-st the top superiors and this is unfair, the main idea is we do the larger portion of the job, we are the once in charge of everything in terms of delegation and so on. also the fact that I just have to learn and keep learning from other places too. That is why I see this medium as a good platform for me to start from where I stopped.
★★★★★On January 29, 2018 by Current employee
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Conducive learning environment.
Not really caring.
★★★★★On November 27, 2017 by Current employee
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Opportunity to experience working in an engineering manufacturing company. Ability to make important decisions. A departmental unit head.
Production is very inconsistent, skeletal. Salary is not paid as at when due. Management's decision-making time frame is very poor. Sense of Urgency is very poor.
★★★★★On October 3, 2017 by Current employeeAnonymously review a companyAdd Review
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