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Aga Khan Hospitals
2 reviews
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  • Aga Khan Hospitals Employee Reviews

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    2 reviews
    • July 4, 2018
      (Current employee)

    • Pros

      Pursues quality and competence

    • Cons


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    • May 30, 2018
      (Current employee)

    • Pros

      The company provide an evidence based environment for learning, and being updated on current trends on patient care and management. It also has high quality technology

    • Cons

      Too much workload.

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  • About Aga Khan Hospitals

    The Aga Khan Health Services operates 325 health centres, dispensaries and other community outlets; 15 first-level referral facilities including diagnostic centres, rural medical and maternal-care centres; as well as six general and three women's hospitals. It provides or supports primary health-care services to populations totalling one million and handles approximately 1.2 million patient visits annually.

    Building Effective Health Systems

    Organised in the form of more

  • Industry

    Healthcare / Medical

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Overall Rating
Based on 2 reviews
  • 5 star
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  • 2 star
  • 1 star
Ratings by category
    • Work/Life balance
    • 4
    • Job Security
    • 4
    • Management
    • 4
    • Work Culture
    • 4
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