Mechanical Engineer Salaries in Nigeria
The average net salary for Mechanical Engineer in Nigeria is ₦170K. Salary estimated from 65 employees
- Average Salary ₦170K per month
- Base Salary₦170K
- Cash Bonus (6 employees)₦20K
- Profit Sharing (2 employees)₦3K
- Sales Commission (3 employees)₦6K
- Accommodation (5 employees)₦22K
Entry Level Salary for Mechanical Engineer in Nigeria
- (0 - 2 years experience)
- 25 employees
₦211K -
Mid Level Salary for Mechanical Engineer in Nigeria
- (3 - 9 years experience)
- 33 employees
₦118K -
Senior Level Salary for Mechanical Engineer in Nigeria
- (experience - 10 years & above)
- 7 employees
Who is a Mechanical Engineer?
A mechanical Engineer is someone who designs power-producing machines, such as electric generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines, as well as power-using machines, such as refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.
Duties of a Mechanical Engineer
- Assessing project requirements.
- Measuring the performance of mechanical components, devices and engines
- Design or redesign mechanical and thermal devices using analysis and computer-aided design
- Testing, evaluating, modifying and re-testing products
- Agreeing budgets, timescales and specifications with clients and
- Undertaking relevant research
- Providing technical advice
- Analyzing and interpreting data.
- Degree/HND in mechanical, automotive, aeronautical or manufacturing engineering.
- Advanced or higher apprenticeship in mechanical engineering.
- Problem solving
- Effective technical skills
- The ability to work under pressure
- Ability to clarify and paraphrase
- Interpersonal skills
- Verbal and written communication skills
- Commercial awareness
- Math and computer
Mechanical Engineer Interview Questions
- What are the most important skills of an engineer?
- How do you keep from getting bored when doing routine engineering work?
- What Is The Mechanical Advantage Of A Double Pulley?
- Is It The Stress That, Produces Strain Or Strain Produces Stress?
- How would you explain a car's wheel and axle system to a layperson?
- Will A Steel Cable Become Longer If It Is Heated While Under Load?
- Why Do The Radiators In Your House Click When You Start The Heating System?
- What Is Railroad Track Ballast?
- What are the rules that must be kept in mind while designing castings?
- Briefly explain the different theories of failure under static load.

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