Optometrist Salaries in Nigeria
The average net salary for Optometrist in Nigeria is ₦107K. Salary estimated from 23 employees
- Average Salary ₦107K per month
- Base Salary₦107K
- Cash Bonus (3 employees)₦39K
- Profit Sharing (1 employee)₦48K
- Sales Commission (1 employee)₦48K
- Accommodation (2 employees)₦21K
Entry Level Salary for Optometrist in Nigeria
- (0 - 2 years experience)
- 7 employees
₦92K -
Mid Level Salary for Optometrist in Nigeria
- (3 - 9 years experience)
- 15 employees
₦112K -
Senior Level Salary for Optometrist in Nigeria
- (experience - 10 years & above)
- 1 employee
Who is a Optometrist?
An optometrist is an eye doctor who has earned the Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree. Optometrists examine eyes for both vision and health problems, and correct refractive errors by prescribing eyeglasses and contact lenses. Some optometrists also provide low vision care and vision therapy.
Duties of an Optometrist
- Perform thorough routine eye inspections.
- Identify patient's visual alertness, field of vision, and hand-eye coordination.
- Provide treatments such as vision therapy or low-vision rehabilitation
- Prescribe eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other visual aids, and if state law permits, medications
- Maintain accurate medical files for all patients.
- Promote eye and general health by counseling patients
Educational Qualification
Bachelor's degree in Optometry, vision science or a relevant area at university, Optometry Admission Test (OAT), and a computerized exam that tests applicants in four subject areas: science, reading comprehension, physics, and quantitative reasoning.
After finishing an O.D. degree, some optometrists complete a 1-year residency program to get advanced clinical training in the area in which they wish to specialize. Areas of specialization for residency programs include family practice, low vision rehabilitation, pediatric or geriatric optometry, and ocular disease, among others.
Accuracy and attention to detail, decision making skill, interpersonal skill, ability to maintain concentration for repetitive tasks, speaking skill, ability to put anxious patients at ease.
Common Optometrist Interview Questions
- What area of optometry do you enjoy most?
- What are your clinical strengths?
- How do you see yourself fitting into this practice?
- What resources do you need to be successful?
- Tell me about your most memorable patient.

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