How to Approach Your Boss about a Raise


Most managers know when to increase your pay, especially if you have added value to their company for quite some time. What happens if they don’t? What if you think you deserve a better pay? Asking for a raise is always a tough conversation. If you don’t do it properly, you might end up not getting an increase or at worse tarnishing your image.

Asking for a Raise

If you are long overdue and your boss does not seem to be doing anything about giving you one. There are three things to consider: continue doing the job with the present salary, look for a job in another company that pays better and asking for a raise.

Clearly, sitting around and waiting for your boss to make the first move hasn’t worked so far, and looking for another job can be a big hassle.

What are you waiting for? Ask for a raise.

What are the things you need to do before you ask for a raise?

  1. Be the one who comes early and gets right to work: Make sure you get to work on time, even if it is a few minutes to the starting time. Arriving early can give you the time to settle down properly and arrange the things you need. Start your work immediately its time. Doing this can grow your reputation in the firm as this would make you standout. The examples you set will spread across the firm.
  2. Be the one who solves problems and not the one who just raises it: Instead of pointing out issues at one point in time or the other, do well to fix it. Don’t just bring out opinions, try to put efforts behind these opinions.
  3. Be exceptional in your work: Try to be the best in what you do and don’t be relaxed working at the same level as others in the organization. Stand out, be outstanding. Don’t relax at being good, be great!
  4. Share your goals and ask for feedback: Have a conversation with your current supervisor or manager and let them know your plans on how to excel in your current role. Make them know that your long term goal is to advance. Ask for their take on the plan and immediately you get a feedback, put it into action so that you are on track when it is time to make your ask.
  5. Take on more responsibility: Taking on more responsibility shows your enthusiasm towards your work and career. You need to manage your time carefully to do this. If it is possible, solve problems from the division or level you wish to attain.

After doing all the things stated above, the next thing is to ask for a raise.

How do you go about asking for a raise?

  1. Choose the right moment: You can’t just walk up to your boss and ask for a raise. You definitely have to do it at the right time or moment. Most companies have designated periods when they submit salary reviews and other salary related information. It could be yearly or twice a year. Asking for a raise at the salary review period could prove to be very effective. Asking for a raise at a period when the company just made a huge accomplishment will definitely increase your chances of getting a raise. Never ask for a raise at a period when the company is experiencing financial problems.
  2. Do your research: Before asking for a raise, do a background research to determine your market value. Study salary trends for other employees in your geographic area and industry with similar job titles. can be used to find out the market value for your role or intended one. This information will be useful when your boss asks you for the amount you would like to make or tells you the amount he or she would give. You do not want to suggest a number that’s unrealistic.
  3. Practice your pitch: Though people might find it strange practicing for a salary negotiation, but rehearsals beforehand have been found to produce many positive responses during conversations. Practice in advance the responses you will give to questions you think your boss will ask and how you will address these responses.
  4. Show your value and focus on why you deserve a raise: Show your value by demonstrating how you have taken up additional responsibilities, as well as, other accomplishments. Describe how these accomplishments benefited your employer and be specific. Also, describe all the things you plan to do for your employer in the future. Before you convince your boss that you deserve a raise, you have to believe that you have earned it. Do not tell your boss that you need a raise to take care of your real costs or personal issues. He is only interested on giving people a raise based on performance.
  5. Avoid complaints and threats: Never start the conversation with complaints or threats as this would put your boss on the defensive side. Do not complain to your boss about earning lesser than your colleagues, as this would not give you your desired result. You should also avoid “implicitly or explicitly threatening to leave” as a negotiating tactic. At best, you’ll turn the conversation adversarial; at worse, you’ll paint yourself into a corner if you don’t get the raise.
  6. Be prepared to respond to a “No”: Your boss may turn you down. What do you do next? It all depends on the reasons he gives you. His reason for turning you down may be based on your performance. If it is, you can decide to confirm if it is valid. If it is valid, you can work on the feedback and turns things around. But if it is out of mere excuses, you may want to go where you will be appreciated. There are opportunities available for you out there if you decide to leave.
  1. Find out if there is any chance the situation will change. If you learn that is a possibility, get your boss to commit to a time to revisit your request. For example, you might want to have another conversation during your next performance review. Ask your boss to help you come up with a plan for what you will need to do to improve your chances of getting a raise by that time.




With the information contained in this article, one should be able to ask for a raise when he or she thinks he deserves one.


See also How to Handle a Lowball Salary Offer

See also How to Answer the Salary Question in an Interview: Nigerian Perspective

See also 10 Signs You Aren’t Getting a Raise

See also Comparing Job Offers: Employee Benefit Packages


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